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A leading provider of art and design services for 2d and 3d games and apps

Juego Studios
A leading provider of art and design services for 2d and 3d games and apps

From storyboarding, concept art to complete asset production we profusely work on elements like characters, props, environments, vehicles and vegetation etc.

They typically sketch ideas for the storyboard, gameplay elements like vehicles, characters, props etc and asset production relies on their concept.

Environment artists at Juego Studios are experts in working with interiors, exteriors, roadways, landscapes and vegetation aspects like deep forests, rocky hillsides and props etc.

Their work involves in creating and appropriately including all the lights in the game levels taking into consideration the color, intensity and falloff with an objective of making the world seem more realistic.

Our lighting artists set the mood of the scene and it is they who take care of static and dynamic lighting requirements.

Their work involves creating weather effects, water leaks, smoke, muzzle flashes, steam vents and anything else required.

Juego Studios
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