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Mailbox EDB to PST conversion

jeremy scastongs
Mailbox EDB to PST conversion

By using this Software you can retrieve data from Exchange EDB Data after that convert Exchange EDB data into PST file. EDB to PST

Converter Software has Powerful Software which recovers all types of data on Exchange Server such as attachments, messages, calendars,

contacts, drafts, tasks, notes, journals, appointments, sent items, completely deleted emails,and etc. This Migration Utility converts

Exchange EDB files into PST files and extracts all the email objects without any changing original structure.
1) Conversion of EDB files to Live Exchange Server(On-premies)
2) Export EDB files to Office 365(Exchange online)
3) Migration of Public folders to PST files /Live exchange Public folders
4) Conversion of EDB to PST files.
Converts EDB to PST online:

 You don’t have to keep your MS Exchange offline and stop any kind of Exchange services for several minutes when it comes to convert your EDB files into PST. Our EDB to PST Converter tool is flexible enough to conduct conversion operation online.

Converts EDB into PST and Extracts Mailbox Items:
 EDB to PST Converter converts EDB files into PST and extracts all the mailbox items without making any change in original format. It allows user to import PST files and access their mailboxes like before.
Try Free trial version for visit here: http://www.mannatsoftware.com/stellar-phoenix-edb-to-pst-converter.html

jeremy scastongs
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