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Amazon Launches Waterproof Kindle Paper-white

Tech Mekrz
Amazon Launches Waterproof Kindle Paper-white

The principal waterproof digital book peruser from Amazon was the Kindle Oasis, yet this element is presently accessible at a more available value point.

The 32GB Kindle Paperwhite 4G costs Rs.

The substantially more costly Kindle Oasis still ships with a 3G variation.

This Kindle Paperwhite is more slender and lighter than the past model (8.18mm thick and 182g).

The presentation has a front light (five LEDs) yet it does not have the versatile splendor include found in the Kindle Oasis.

As a major aspect of dispatch offers, Amazon is packaging three months of the Kindle Unlimited membership and two years of service contract for the individuals who pre-arrange the Kindle Paperwhite.

Tech Mekrz
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