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The Magic Of Vedic Astrology

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The Magic Of Vedic Astrology

Vedic itself means the language of Vedas. It is the most diverse and extensive astrology among all methods and sciences. It covers each and every phase of human existence and gives the most accurate results. It is surrounded with everything that includes, healing, psychology, religion and spirituality, predictions and so on. Council of Vedic astrology is a process of Self-Knowledge, Self- realization and Self-healing through Ayurveda, Yoga and Vedanta that provides the insights on understanding of the Karma to work with them and surpass them. Signs and houses in Vedic astrology There are twelve signs distributed in the twelve houses of the horoscope. The signs are different from the signs of western astrology. The signs in this astrology are called the moon signs and are different from the sun signs. If a person is born in the last five days according to the western astrology, then that person might fall in the same category of the moon sign. The nine planets in different houses are placed according to the birthday, time and date of a person; this is known as the Birth Chart.

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