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Computer Running Slow, computer running slow windows 10

Computer Running.Slow
Computer Running Slow, computer running slow windows 10

Steps That Take Computer Speed From Worse To Wow

Sluggish computer performance is a big turn off for any user. Follow the under given steps to enhance the speed of your computer. These are the ways which are not only effective for fixing slow speed of your desktop or laptop but they also help you understand what is causing computer running slow.

  • Reboot

Performing a reboot is kind of a ritual for PC users, before starting with any other thing make sure you reboot your computer too.

  • Close the background programs

Being one of the most common reasons of slow computers running background programs should be stopped first. You can either remove or disable startup programs that start automatically every time your computer boots.

Antivirus scanner or malware scanner of any other kind is not supposed to be used for scanning the background. A background scan in progress might cause your PC’s slow speed. If you find it scanning the background, allow it to complete for finding the actual speed of your PC back.

It is easy to determine which all programs are running in the background with opening task manager. Also it tells you how much memory and CPU are consumed by these programs.

  • Get rid of temp files

With eventual use of computer temporary files get stored on the hard drive. Deleting these files is important way to enhance the computer performance. Experts suggest using the Windows Disk Cleanup utility to get rid of them in large. But many a times this has to be followed with deleting temp files manually.

For manually performing this you will have to open the Start menu and type %temp% in search field. On pressing enter a Temp folder should open. You can delete the files that are not in use one after one.

  • Perform Defragmentation

Fragmented disk can make your computer crawl. Something similar happens to your PC performance when the hard drive is corrupted. Determine whether there is something physically wrong with your PC’s hard drive.

Properly organized data enhances the speed of a computer therefore it is imperative to run defrag for fixing any fragmentation issues.

  • Free Up Space

It is necessary to have at least 200-500 MB free space on your hard drive. This gives room for swap files to expand and temp files.

In majority of the computer running slow windows 10 cases running a virus scan fixes the speed issues.

Computer Running.Slow
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