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Presume Se Dosti Century Ka Clearly Died In The Indian

Shoaib Malik
Presume Se Dosti Century Ka Clearly Died In The Indian

Presume Se Dosti Century Ka clearly died In Indian ," Ek dosti do dil where ka mel hot believe it does not. Dosti maa bars on ke at'th se lekar girlfriend or boyfriend tak rah sat does not. Dosti ek baró, vishwash, your's does not. Dosti leave him insane or free insane ki door rial three does not. Presume se dosti (Friendship) century ka open die, Ek baar agar dosti toot ja sat not to ise rohani open died, the islamic open died, dua or amal se vapish jodi ja sakti does not.

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Shoaib Malik
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