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Achieving success in food delivery market: How DoorDash was able to get $13B valuation?

Jennifer Atkinson
Achieving success in food delivery market: How DoorDash was able to get $13B valuation?

The fact that civilizations started off on the banks of perennial rivers is an explicit indicator of food’s prominence over other resources.

This gave rise to a new stream of businesses focusing on food delivery.

DoorDash has been one of the most successful startups in the food delivery domain.

The ongoing trade war between the United States and China has jeopardized the interests of its competitor GrubHub.

Postmates, which was intended to go public by February this year, albeit secretly, has not made any progress in that direction.

Uber too has not been very successful with its IPO debut in May, with its share prices trading below the initial price.

Jennifer Atkinson
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