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Is Proteinuria Ayurvedic Treatment A Complete Solution?

Jatin sharma
Is Proteinuria Ayurvedic Treatment A Complete Solution?

Proteinuria is a kidney-related health disorder that causes an excess amount of protein to get leaked through the urine. Generally, a very little amount of protein leakage in urine is normal but in this condition, this level goes significantly high. Sometimes the condition is temporary and doesn’t require treatment. But in other cases, the condition is permanent and won’t resolve without proper treatment. As we all are aware that proteins are one of the most important substances for the body that play a vital role in our body. Some of the most important functions of the proteins in our body are as follow:

• Growth and maintenance of the tissues
• Aid communication among cells, tissues, and organs
• Provide stiffness and rigidity to cells and tissues
• Aid in fighting infection
• Provide energy to the body

So, you can think that how important proteins are for your body. In the condition of proteinuria, due to excessive leakage of protein, a body lacks the amount of protein required for its proper functioning; repairing and generation of new cells and tissues. Proteinuria Ayurvedic treatment is the most efficient treatment for this health condition. In this post further, you will get to know why Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria is the best option to go for!

Symptoms of Proteinuria

In the condition of proteinuria, the kidney filters become damaged and lose functionality of holding the required amount of protein in the body. As a result, several symptoms appear in the body. Few of them are listed as below:

• Swelling on face or puffiness around eyes
• Frequent urination
• Nausea
• Fatigue
• Fever or chills
• Weakness
• Bubbliness in your urine
• Breath shortening
• Lack of concentration

These are the signs that appear when a person faces the condition of proteinuria. There may be some other causes of proteinuria as well. Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria is the most relevant treatment for proteinuria.

What are the risk factors for proteinuria?

Anyone can the condition of proteinuria but people having below health conditions are at the higher risks of getting this kidney disorder.

• Diabetes
• High blood pressure
• Age of more than 65
• Family history of kidney failure

Among these factors, diabetes and high blood pressure are the most dangerous factors. So, it is always advised by the physicians to keep them normal so that to keep yourself away from several health disorders.

What are the factors causing proteinuria?

When it comes to the treatment of proteinuria, there are several factors that can cause this problem to occur. Some factors cause a persistent form of proteinuria and others can cause this condition to occur temporarily. A few factors that can cause proteinuria to occur are:

• Dehydration
• Emotional stress
• Exposure to cold
• High fever
• Amyloidosis
• Chronic kidney disease
• Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
• Heart disease
• Lupus
• Nephrotic syndrome

These are some of the factors that cause the condition of proteinuria to happen. The persistent form of proteinuria is serious and should not be neglected as in the lack of proper treatment; it may lead to a severe health disorder, sometimes kidney damage too. So, early detection and proper treatment are very important so that to reverse this health condition.

How proteinuria can be detected?

Before going for the treatment process, you should take certain tests in order to detect which form of proteinuria you are suffering from. If you are facing temporary proteinuria then you don’t need to get worried about the condition because it may get resolved with time. On the other hand, if you are dealing with a persistent form of proteinuria, you need adequate treatment in order to get rid of this health state.

The urine test measures the amount of albumin in your urine, compared to the amount of creatinine in your urine. That's why the test is known as the urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR). When the test indicates that you have UACR more than 30 mg/g can be a sign of kidney disorder.

What is a complete treatment for proteinuria?

If it asked about the treatment of Proteinuria, Ayurveda is the best treatment method that will help you in treating this kidney disorder permanently. Ayurveda is a science of life that encompasses the entire knowledge about the human body and how to keep it healthy. Apart from that, Ayurveda also cures any kind of health disorder that gets generated in the human body. It utilizes natural herbs, diet, and exercises in order to cure a health disorder. The major characteristic of Ayurveda is that it aims to cure a disease by working on its root causes. That’s the reason, it has been tried and tested treatment for several health disorders including proteinuria. Proteinuria ayurvedic treatment is very beneficial and helps you in relieving this disorder efficiently. Apart from that, we have also a modern treatment method that works on the symptoms of a disease in order to cure it. Yes, we are talking about allopathy; this treatment system doesn’t even touch the causes of disease and only tries to suppress the symptoms using drug-based medications. Allopathic medications can leave many adverse effects on your health because they are the composition of drugs and chemicals.

As a result, you can say that Proteinuria Ayurvedic treatment is the best treatment solution to get relief in this health disorder.

Article Source : https://ayurvedicremediesforkidneyproblems.blogspot.com/2019/07/proteinuria-ayurvedic-treatment.html

Jatin sharma
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