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What stage of kidney disease is a protein in urine?

Karma Ayurveda
What stage of kidney disease is a protein in urine?

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is further divided into five stages. All these stages are based on eGFR test results and how well your kidneys work to filter extra fluid and waste out of your blood. As the stages go up, your kidney disease gets worse, and the functions of your kidneys work less. Taking measurements at every stage is vital to slow down your kidney damage.

What Are The Different Stages of CKD Referred To?

There are five stages of CKD that refer to how well your kidneys are functioning. Kidney Disease can only get worse in time. In the early stages (Stages 1-3), your kidneys are still able to filter extra fluid out of your blood. In the last stages (Stages 4-5), your kidneys must function harder to filter your blood and may also stop working together.

The primary goal at every stage of CKD is to take proper Ayurveda treatment for fixing proteinuria to slow down the damage done to one or both of your kidneys and keep them properly functioning as long as possible.

What Are The Five Stages Involved In Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)?

Each stage of CKD is based on the eGFR number and has numerous symptoms and ayurvedic treatment:


Stage 1 of CKD means you have a normal eGFR of 90 or greater and mild damage to one or both of your kidneys. One or both of your kidneys still function well, so you may not have any signs or symptoms. You may also have other signs of kidney damage, like protein in your pee.


Stage 2 of CKD means that your eGFR has gone down to between 60 and 89, and you have mild damage done to your kidneys. Mostly, your kidneys are still functioning correctly, so you may not have any signs or symptoms. You may have any other symptoms of kidney damage, such as physical damage or protein in your pee.


Stage 3 of CKD means you have an eGFR between 30 and 59, and mild to moderate damage is done to your kidneys. Your kidneys do not work correctly, and also they should filter extra and waste out of your blood. These excess fluids can build up in your body and begin to cause other health issues, such as bone disease or high blood pressure. You may start to have signs or symptoms such as feeling exhausted and weak or swollen feet or hands.

Stage 3 of CKD is further divided into two substages based on your eGFR:-

Stage 3a: you have an eFGR which is between 45 and 59

Stage 3b: you have an eGFR which is between 30 and 44

With ayurvedic treatment for loss protein in urine and healthy life changes, many people in Stage 3 do not move to Stage 4 or 5.


Stage 4 of CKD means you have an eGFR between 15 and 29 and moderate to severe damage done to one or both of your kidneys. Your kidneys do not work; they also should filter the toxins and waste out of your blood. This waste can also build up in your body and cause more health problems like bone disease, heart disease, and high blood pressure. You may get these signs and symptoms like swollen feet and hands and pain in your lower back.

This is the last stage of CKD before your kidneys fail completely. It is essential to have regular visits with your kidney doctor to take extraordinary measures to slow down kidney damage and plan ahead for all the possible treatments for kidney failure.


Stage 3 of CKD means that you have an eGFR of less than 15 and some severe damage to your kidneys. Your kidneys are also getting very close to failure or have already stopped working because your kidney fails to filter out the waste products that build up in the body, which can make you sick and cause other health conditions. When your kidneys fail to function appropriately, ayurvedic treatment for protein loss in urine is used to survive.

How Can Your Doctor Know Your Stage?

To find out your CKD stage, doctors will conduct some tests and start protein loss in urine treatment in ayurveda, for instance:

eGFR tests or blood tests, which is a measure of how well your kidneys are working correctly.

Urine tests

NOTE: eGFR is an estimate of how well your kidneys are functioning. The way eGFR is calculated will vary. Currently, eGFR considers your sex, race and age, among other things. A task force led by NKF and ASN is working on recommendations that may remove the black race as an element in the eGFR calculations. The task force has been seeking the input of kidney disease specialists to come up with the best way to make accurate eGFR test results. AKF advised the task forces to remove the biases of race from eGFR. This would also ensure every person will receive proper health care that is of the highest quality and fair. When the NKF-ASN task forces make their recommendations, the AKF will quickly review them and then update their educational materials.

What Are The Symptoms And Signs Of Stage 1 CKD?

People with Stage 1 CKD do not have any signs that are affecting their health, which is why many people do not know that they have these symptoms and signs. Moreover, there are some symptoms of Stage 1 CKD people may also notice themselves or that doctors may also notice when testing for CKD or any other health conditions.

Stage 1 CKD symptoms and signs may include:

  • High levels of Blood Pressure
  • Swollen feet and hands
  • Urinary Tract Infections
  • Proteinuria
  • Blood present in your urine

Kidney damage that can be shown in a CT scan, MRI, kidney Biopsy, or ultrasound

At CKD’s Stage 1, you may not notice any symptoms in your health. While the damage done to your kidneys may not be fixable, there is a lot you can do at this stage to keep your kidneys functioning correctly for a longer time.

How Do The Doctors Treat Stage 1 CKD?

At Stage 1, doctors primarily focus on slowing down the damage done to your kidney and keeping your kidneys working correctly for an extended period.

Ayurvedic doctors will also work with you to:

  1. Controlling your blood sugar if you have diabetes
  2. Keeping your blood pressure in control and at a healthy range
  3. Decide if you should start or stop any medicines from helping in protecting your kidneys

If you do not have a kidney doctor, talk to your doctor about finding a nephrologist. You and your nephrologist can work hand-in-hand to make protein in urine ayurvedic treatment plan for you.

How To Reduce Proteinuria By Ayurveda?

At CKD’s Stage 1, there is a lot that you can do to help keep your kidneys functioning correctly for a longer time as possible.

Eat A Healthy Diet:- A dietician can look at your lab test results and may also help you plan a healthy diet that you will want to eat.

Be Active:- you should stay active for at least 30 to 40 minutes thrice a week. This can be anything from riding a bike or walking to dancing or swimming.

Keeping A Healthy Weight:- Talk to your doctor or dietician about what a healthy weight is for you according to your weight or other necessary things.

Stop using tobacco

Quit smoking:- This can be very dangerous when taking protein in urine treatment in Ayurveda.

Karma Ayurveda
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