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Report Your Income Worldwide With Financial Experts

Cardinal Point Wealth
Report Your Income Worldwide With Financial Experts

The Canada-United States border, known as the international boundary, is the longest international border between two countries in the world.

There is a team of cross border tax planning professionals who will help you in implementing and developing an efficient cross border strategy. They help you to legally and successfully reduce your tax liability in the Canada and U.S. to support your cross border lifestyle.

If you are an American moving to Canada or you are a Canadian moving to U.S., it’s important to plan for the minimization of taxes. The advisers develop specific tax planning that minimizes your overall tax obligations through eliminating double taxation. Corporations that are planning to move and conduct business across the border, advisers develop a cross border corporate structure that can reduce overall tax liability.

Key elements of cross border tax services

• Canada and U.S. tax preparation, including all provinces and states
• Tax preparation for Canadians living, working or investing in U.S.
• Must need to have tax planning for Americans, working or investing in Canada
• Tax planning for Canadians too if they are moving to the U.S. and same US citizens moving to the Canada
• Reporting of Canadian financial accounts in the U.S.
• Canadian and U.S. tax residency status determination
• Canadian departure return and deemed disposition filings
• US-Canada tax treaty elections review to eliminate double taxation
• Canadian foreign tax credit claims in the U.S.
• Comprehensive review of CPP/OAS taxation in the U.S. and social security CPP equalization
• Tax advice for Canadians returning to Canada and Americans returning to U.S.

The purpose of the cross border financial planning is to address your concerns, minimize tax and help you avoid costly mistakes. Cross border financial planning involves clients cross border tax, estate, investment, retirement, tax filing requirements, health insurance, risk management and immigration planning needs.

The cross border financial plan is a customized document that contains a detailed analysis of current Canadian and US laws and regulations and how it can be applied to specific client’s situation.

There is a cross border team of financial planning experts, who helps you to develop and achieve your personal and family financial goals. They tend to build a team around you specializing in disciplines like wealth planning, trusts, investment management, wills and estates, credit and insurance and business owner planning.

Canada & U.S. cross border financial planning services

• Tiffany Woodfield, Swan Wealth Management
• MCA Cross Border Advisers Inc. Montreal
• MCA Cross Border Advisers Inc. Toronto
• Cross Border Tax Services Toronto
• Cardinal Point Wealth Management , LLC
• Keats Connelly

View Source:- https://medium.com/@CardinalPoint/report-your-income-worldwide-with-financial-experts-bb98909db9da

Cardinal Point Wealth
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