Is your Email Marketing unable to achieve the desired results? Do you feel you have hit a roadblock with your email marketing? If so, you will be happy you read this article.
Email marketing has become essential for every marketer to carry forth conversations with prospects, to prospect new leads and to follow up with existing customers. With the immense benefits it has to offer, email marketing can, at no cost, be neglected or sidelined over other forms of marketing. You can perk up your email marketing effectively with the help of another popular marketing medium- Social Media. So let’s have a close look at how you can revitalize your email marketing strategy with social media.
Although Social Media is increasingly becoming the most popular form of marketing yet it lacks the trait of driving immediate results. Email Marketing, on the other hand, can not only help strike meaningful conversations with prospects but can also aid in their conversion. So wouldn’t it be great if you could convert your followers on social media to subscribers on your email list? This is exactly what was on my mind too. How can you do this? The answer is simple. Invite your followers to join your email list. Having your followers join your email list has major benefits, one of it is increases the Customer Lifetime Value. To encourage more people to join your email lists, you can promote your email list on your Facebook cover page or even in your social posts on other networks.
To garner a larger audience, conducting contests and offering discounts & giveaways is an effective tactic. But how do you enrich your email list through this? It’s easy. Just spread the word to your social media groups that the winners of contests would be announced on your email list. Then use apps from sites such as MailChimp or OnSpotsocial for collecting email addresses of the contestants to add to your email list.
Lead Magnets are free content offerings or content upgrades that are aimed at increasing engagement and nurturing brand loyalty. Lead magnets can be free ebooks or enlightening articles that are offered free in exchange for email addresses of possible prospects. This encourages conversion of prospects into active customers for your products and services in the future. Moreover, it also helps in accumulating a large amount of prospect email data.
Almost every website, irrespective of what they deal with have a blog and to promote it use social share buttons so that their content is read and appreciated on a number of platforms. Incorporating these social share buttons on your emails could win you a fantastic email open and click through rate. How do you do this? Just put the email content in an HTML format and add Social share buttons on it. It’s simple, isn’t it? You could also add links in your email to your landing pages thus driving more traffic.
Social Media is definitely a marketing medium that can help capture interest and generate leads but what is the point if it doesn’t yield customers? Emails are a tool that can not only aid you in lead generation and nurturing but also play a pivotal role in increasing the lead conversion rate. So leverage your social media followers list to build a network of email subscribers that help win deals and step up business growth!