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Everything you should know about Microsoft OneDrive for Mac

Elvin Troglin
Everything you should know about Microsoft OneDrive for Mac

Despite the fact that file hosting has been running for more than ten years, not a lot of people use OneDrive… or even have heard about it as well as know about its existence because of the paradoxical for Microsoft small popularity and lack of ubiquity by consumers.

It goes without saying that Microsoft OneDrive applications have been developed for fast access for all major platforms on both PCs and smartphones.

Also, in addition, OneDrive (or as we also know SkyDrive) has its own advantages, for example, such as working with office documents right in the interface of file hosting, and we are not talking just about viewing option but also OneDrive offers editing option.

OneDrive Mac tips that you should know about

Of course, the first thing that every user should do is to setup OneDrive.

Before starting using OneDrive you need to obtain Microsoft Live ID.

Elvin Troglin
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