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How to Stop Your Mac from Freezing Up?

Zone Firewall Protection
How to Stop Your Mac from Freezing Up?

It is incredibly frustrating when the device screen freezes. Is your Mac acting up and gets frozen from time to time? There can be a number of factors behind this problem. Apply the fixes given below to solve the problem.



SOURCE: How to Stop Your Mac from Freezing Up? , Zone Firewall


Prevent Freezing


You can stop your Mac from getting frozen. Just follow the steps that are given below:


•    Firstly, if you are running multiple programs on your Mac at the same time, then you have to close high usage programs.

•    After that, you have to find which programs, files or documents freeze your Mac consistently.

•    Then you can click on “Trash Can” application on the Mac’s Dock.

•    Thereafter you can click on “Empty Trash” in pop-up menu section.

•    When the prompt comes, click on Empty Trash.

•    Ensure that the applications are updated.

•    You can go to Safe Mode and update your Mac.

•    Now, you erase the Mac files.

•    After erasing you can install the latest Mac OS version.


Upgrade your Mac


You can update your Mac to resolve frozen screen issues. Here are the steps you need to take.

•    Firstly, you have to go to the Apple menu.

•    After that, you can click on “About this Mac”.

•    Then you can see the Overview option. Click on it.

•    Thereafter you can click on “Software Update”.

•    Now, you can wait until the updates are installed.


Locating and Removing Excess Files


You need to locate and find the excess files on your Mac. Here are the instructions you need to follow:


•    Firstly, you have to go to the Apple menu on your Mac.

•    After that, you can click on “About this Mac” option.

•    Then you can click on “Storage”.

•    Thereafter you can click on Manage.

•    Now, check your current storage.

•    You can choose a file type.

•    After that, you can delete files that you don’t use.

•    Then you can click on the Trash Can icon.

•    Thereafter you can click “Empty Trash” in the pop-up section.

•    Now, when the prompt comes, click on Empty Trash again.


 Finding Hard Drive Errors


You can find and fix hard drive errors on your Mac. Simply follow the instructions given below.


•    Firstly, you have to reboot your Mac and when the prompt comes, click on reboot again.

•    After that, you can long-press cmd + R keys.

•    Release the keys when you see the Apple logo.

•    Then you can choose the Disk Utility option.

•    Thereafter you can “Continue”.

•    Now, you can choose your Mac’s hard drive.

•    After that, you can click on “First Aid”.

•    When the prompt comes, you can click on “Run”.

•    Now, you can wait for repairing the disk errors.

•    If some errors are unresolved, then you can repeat this process.


Force Quit Unresponsive Applications  


You can force quit unresponsive applications on your Mac. Simply follow the steps mentioned below to do that:

•    Firstly, you have to go to the Apple menu on your Mac.

•    After that, you can click on “Force Quit”.

•    Then you can choose the unresponsive application.

•    Thereafter you can click on Force Quit.

•    Now, when the prompt comes, click on “Force Quit” again.


Harry Williams is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for Zone Firewall on NortonWebrootMcAfeeMicrosoft Office and many other related topics. He is a very knowledgeable person with lots of experience. To get in touch with the internet security service provider, just dial 8449090430.

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