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Android 10: Say Hello to This New Feature-loaded Treat of Google

Murtza Abbas
Android 10: Say Hello to This New Feature-loaded Treat of Google

It was a long time that everyone was waiting for experiencing Android 10 and after months of waiting-it was first unveiled at Google’s Android Developer Conference last November-and no less than six back-to-back bets versions released to developers since last March, Android 10 has finally arrived.

This version is coming up after a long wait along with breaking change that the company adopted for the first time in the company’s history that is not based on a dessert name.

Although we all hearing the dates of a launch from the last few days, now it finally announced at Android Developers with a statement “Welcoming Android 10“.

The default choice is iconic Pixel blue, notwithstanding, you can transform it to dark, green, purple, cinnamon, sea, space and orchid.

The Beta 2 has an app called “Pixel Themes”, which is said to be propelled alongside Pixel 4.

Presently, how cool is that?

Murtza Abbas
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