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Free Will - Choose Well

Steffan Devin
Free Will - Choose Well

As you begin this day, credit your mind and Dream Life Mastery Review intelligence by bravely stepping forward towards the promise of receiving an aura of contentment. You are divine children in a universe of beloved souls and spiritual entities. There is not one moment when the hollow feeling that may befall you is not recognized by the Golden Side. We are forever in your presence, giving you the presents of love, enlightenment and inner harmony.

This is a day for you to feel special because it is yet another day when God and Spirit place the lotion of life around you as though it is the size of an ocean. Speak to us when you need help. Speak to us when things in your life are going perfect. The attitude you carry in your hearts and minds is what will determine the responses of the universal alliance. May you always remember that the invocation of protection is given to you and all who have come to us ahead of you. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.

You did not create the world, nor for that matter you did not even create yourself. This was done by a much Higher Power. Therefore, it is not your burden to shoulder all the responsibilities that may besiege you from time to time. The premise of this message is to infer that you will be uplifted from your sadness, as well as lifted higher in times of elation. There is a perfect yin yang harmony in the universe. Our job, from the side of spirit, is to get you to embrace the superfluous love and Light that is so prevalent each and every day for you. We want to make you feel ebullient when your eyes open and until they close to rest your body at the end of the day.

Suffering is not mandatory. All of you who are, or who know someone who is living and thinking in the way of the martyr, will now be relieved of that thought process. You cannot expect to be happy when you expect to be treated with the "what can go wrong, will go wrong" assertion in your thinking. It does you no good to "woe is me" your way through life. You are not the only one who endures hardships.


Steffan Devin
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