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How Google Speed Update might Impact SEO of your Site

Avni Sharma
How Google Speed Update might Impact SEO of your Site

How Google Speed Update might Impact SEO of your Site

Google has recently announced a new update for its mobile ranking factors. The website speed has always been a dominant factor when it comes to organic ranking and AdWords Quality Score. With every update, Google shifts its focus slightly to show better search results for users. As per the new Google Speed Update, page speed will be a key ranking factor for mobile searches. How will it impact the SEO of your site? Let’s find out.

What is Google Speed Update? Will it impact my sites?

How Google Speed Update might Impact SEO of your Site

Google has announced this new ranking algorithm called the Speed Update on January 17, 2018, which is designed for mobile search. A small percentage of queries will be impacted because of the new update. This update will only impact those websites having the slowest experience to users. The update will be effective from July 2018, so the webmasters can fine-tune their websites to comply with the criterions.

Google has recommended using the advanced PageSpeed report and tools such as LightHouse. Using these, you can measure the page speed and make required improvements. So, if your site has issues with page speed, your site may get a hit.

How can you save your site rankings?

How Google Speed Update might Impact SEO of your Site

There are plenty of ways you can improve the page speeds of your site. You can switch to AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages). It is an adjustment of the source code which is directed towards the standard HTML page of your site. The AMPs are very limited so they can load really fast. The AMP can load 15 per cent to 85 per cent faster than the regular page. However, the AMPs can narrow down some control over the page design of your pages.

The Leverage Search Console and PageSpeed Insights are also helpful tools to check the site usability and page speed issues. While these terms are quite wide, failing to comply the new update might hit the ranking of your site. You can check for issues and solve them on your own or you can simply hire a professional digital marketing company.

Hiring an agency for SEO services can assure good results. Take consultation about page speeds of your website from an expert SEO professional. Feel free to contact Nethority Technologies for SEO and Digital Marketing enquiries for your Business.

Avni Sharma
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