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Everything you need to know about Salman Khan’s Hair Transplant

Dr.C.Vijay Kumar
Everything you need to know about Salman Khan’s Hair Transplant

Dr.Vjs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre: Hair transplant is a completely safe and secure procedure that will give you the best results. Hair transplant is not only taken by normal people, but celebrities also lean toward this procedure.

hair transplant in Vizag

Let’s talk about Salman khan’s hair transplant.

First Hair Transplant in 2003

Well, he is the most famous person in Bollywood industry. He took first hair transplant in 2003 because he was suffering from thinning hair and receding hairline. However, he took a FUT hair transplant at that time, and it results in scarring. After then he goes with second hair transplant in 2007.

FUE Hair Transplant in 2007

In order to get rid of the scar that is caused due to previous surgery, he took another hair transplant in 2007. At that time, he went through FUE transplantation method. This is the most recent method, that does not result in scarring and offer you successful results. He was happy with the positive and natural-looking results, but he again gets this treatment in 2016.

Hair transplant in 2016

The third time he went through hair transplantation in 2016 from the specialist of Dubai. This time, he gets desired and successful results along with natural-looking hair growth.

Dr.C.Vijay Kumar
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