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Best Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss Tips

I am flypped
Best Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss Tips

Because, If an individual body requires 1500 Cal; then four samosas (600 calories), two slices of pizza (500 calories) and two gulab jamuns (385 calories) would be enough to meet out the daily requirement of 1500 calories, but one should know that these unhealthy food choices will ultimately lead to other health problems like high cholesterol and blood sugar.

Weight loss Tip 3 Yoga and Meditation

Give five to 10 minutes or more can be given for peace and relaxation in the morning.

This helps to overcome stress, which are the main causes of weight gain.

Sprouted moong with poha or upma, moong dal parantha, peanut butter sandwich with a glass of milk or fresh fruit juice, muesli or flakes with fruits and seeds or oats idlis, eggs in different forms, can be taken.

Green tea helps in fat burning and improves physical performance.

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