Laptops have become one of the major necessities these days. Thanks to their portability and compact design, you can carry them wherever you want. A laptop that meets your specifications and doesn’t burn your cash can be called best. So, if you are in the market, looking for a new laptop for your professional needs, going through our buying guide will certainly help. With plethora of options ranging from affordable to absurdly priced, choosing a laptop can be overwhelming. To help you out, we have listed down our buying guide that will make sure that you choose the best.
Size - The first thing that you need to look at is the size and display of laptops. There are many laptops that feature the different display size and it is important to know which size screen you should go with. A 13-inch sized laptop will be quite portable and easy to carry around but the keyboard will be so compact to make typing difficult. On the other hand, a 17-inch sized laptop will be perfect to offer you with enriching experience plus it will have a decent sized keyboard to make typing smooth like a breeze. Well, it is going to be heavier than 13-inch sized laptop.
Decide on the form - Laptops have undergone major tweaks in terms of design and form factors. There are plenty of laptops that let you enjoy the tablet mode to make doing work more convenient. Along with that, these devices now come with touchscreen display that makes using laptops more fun. Most of the devices can now be rotated to 360 degrees while some devices let you separate the screen from the keyboard. So, it is important to know what your preferences are - you can either go with traditional keyboard o 2 in 1 laptops.
Battery - Battery life is another thing that you’ll need to consider. You don’t want a laptop that runs out of battery and every time, you need to find a socket to get it charged. Well, never skimp on the battery life. Considering battery life become even important when your profession includes travelling to places for some meetings or schedules. Small and light laptops will offer you a good battery life when compared with larger laptops since they are loaded with powerful graphics and heavy specifications that drain the battery.
RAM & Processor - RAM and the processor are the two things that determine the performance of your laptop. Well, if you are short on budget, make sure to go with at least 4GB of RAM so that you can do any basic work without letting your laptop get hanged. On the other hand, go with 8 GB RAM when you intend to do some video editing or photography. Coming to the processor, you should go with one that let you perform multiple tasks easily.
Well, these are some of the things that you should be considering while buying a new laptop. Another that is the brand. Don’t scrimp on the brand name as well. Dell has become one of the best brands when it comes to laptops. You can always trust Dell to offer you a balance between quality and price. Luckily, Dell will host Dell Black Friday 2019 Deals where you can save big on your purchase. So, take advantage of the sale and grab your favorite device at the best price.