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The design of online shop|design company online shop 2019

mtjr plus
The design of online shop|design company online shop 2019

What are the steps of design stores online?

1 - would it be a business you haven't done before or will be this store just extension letter follow-up on the ground, if your store is on the ground you don't need to read the Three steps to the next because it is just a preliminary layout, but if you are planning to start a completely new project as an experiment e carry with us those steps because it will help you a lot in the beginning properly.

2. if the product is new, you have to know what is the product that you're selling on your e-store, to ask friends for something they need constantly in their daily lives and find it easily or do a session of brainstorming and to be with you a small notebook in which you write the ideas down, write everything that comes to your mind.

3 - after investment products, which are of less importance and determine the product is better from your point of view, you have to know is there possibility to sell the product the person who is entitled to the profits desired in it? Is to know that through the review of sites of competitors who sell the same product and see if this product is gaining momentum in the present time or not, there are Advantage and disadvantage at the same time if you choose to sell a product Vogue, water is that you will largely achieve the required sales, you may be exposed to competition but you can face it to achieve a competitive advantage for your product make the customer heading to buy it without the other.

4 - Select the bank that will be resources of the middle and the wholesaler deals with and import products from them and stored in a warehouse of your own until asked by your customers or used by a الdropshipping is that you view the products that you want to sell on your storefront at prices that you specify in a while they non-existent you have at the moment but you order delivered directly from the wholesaler as to your client, and this way with less risk than any other method

Note that all these steps are only planning to design an electronic store, let's move on to the technical part is the creation of e-store itself.

link source : https://mtjrplus.com/


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