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Tips to install LED Strips

DivisionLED Shop
Tips to install LED Strips

led Strips: tips for the facility’n led strips

The led strips is a type of iluminaci’n ever más used in our society. Has a high capacity of emitting light with a consumption of electricity very low.

today, it is very important to the consumption energyético so that is also a remarkable name, that the led strips are reduced almost by 80% the consumption in comparaci’n with the traditional light bulbs, además, its length’n of life is higher.

Types of led strips: monochrome and RGB/RGBW

The led strips, RGB/ RGBW reference to the color of light which follows the led strip (red – green – blue). This color of light, like the intensity and the color combinations can be regulated by a controller. This type of led strips are recommended for places where you want to create different color spaces.

The one-colour led strips make reference to the fact that the led strip is just a single color (cold white, white cálido, red, green, or blue).

&are you;how to install led strips?

The facility’n of led strips can be performed on any surface and in any place. Are suitable for both interior and exterior and además, thanks to its fácil facility’n by self-adhesive tape, adapts to any type of surface.

Steps báphysical to install a led strip RGB/RGBW and one

  1. Measured the space where you are going to place the led strip
  2. Clean the surface where you are going to place the led strip
  3. Short led strip for the places marked s&number;n the model that you have chosen
  4. Removes the glue to paste the led strip in the chosen area
  5. Connects the end of the led strip to the connector. Depending on the length, you need to install a power amplifier for the&bathrooms;to arrive at optimum conditions of a led strip to another.
  6. Connect led strip to power supply power’n

Join two or más led strips

There are different types of led strips; thanks to its versatility you have the possibility to be united to achieve a greater length.  Join two led strips is quite simple, thanks to the connectors:

  1. Cut the led strip
  2. the
  3. Remove the silicone of our led strip
  4. the
  5. Place the connector in the middle of the two strips you want to join. You need to look at the polarity of the ends.Place on each side of the connector the two strips in the same direction of polarity.
  6. the
  7. Close the connector and connect the led strips to the power

&are you;To&number;n you need más reasons to use led? Without a doubt, we can ensure that d’today, buy led strips to the iluminaci’re out of your space is a great option to have’no. If you have any doubt you can consult with us. We are experts in iluminaci’re LED by distributing all Espa&bath;to.

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