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The Power of Good Sleep

The Power of Good Sleep

Research shows that sleeping well at night is beneficial for your mind and body. It repairs your body and recharges it for the next day. Sleep deprivation can affect your body adversely and expose your body to health issues.

There are some factors that can contribute to good sleep. Discomfort from your environment can affect your sleep.  Along with a stress free mind, physical comfort is also important.

Wearing loose comfortable clothing, keeping your room dark and noise free also helps. The most important factor that contributes to sleep is the temperature of your bedroom.  It is proven that if the temperature of your bedroom is cool, it is easier to sleep and avoid restlessness. It is worthwhile to purchase suitable bedding for yourself according to the area where you live and the temperature you like to sleep in.

Importance of Suitable Bedding

One of the most important parts of your bedding is a comforter. Comforters are fluffy, thick, mostly quilted blankets used to keep you warm. Common comforters are usually filled with synthetic fiber and are stitched to secure and evenly distribute the filling. They are available in different sizes and an array of colors and patterns. You can choose what you like.

Comforters are available with different fillings from cotton to wool, from silk to down feathers. You can select your comforter keeping in mind the season, your choice of weight, feel of the comforter on your body and the temperature you prefer to sleep in.  

Merino wool comforters provide you warmth and yet have moisture wicking properties which will keep your body from overheating. Wool fiber is naturally hypoallergenic and dust mite resistant. The moisture wicking property of wool creates a dry environment which prohibits the growth of bacteria, fungus and dust mites. So, it will not give you or your family any allergies like itchy skin or a runny nose. This also reduces the need to wash the wool comforter often.

Wool has a protective coating called Lanolin which makes it naturally resistant to combustion.  This makes wool a natural flame -resistant fiber. If you are suffering from chronic arthritic pain or bed sores, look for wool comfortable.

Wool comforter are very durable and last for years with proper care. Lightweight comforter work very well for warmer regions. Lightweight Merino wool comforters are perfect all year around.

Like wool, down feathers creates a layer of warmth between the comforter and your body, but Down comforters don’t release moisture quickly. As a result, the warmth keeps building up through the night. If you need extra warmth during cold weather you may feel comfortable in a down comforter while others may feel over heated. Down alternative comforter are also available which mostly have synthetic filling. They are good for people who are allergic to down feathers. They do not regulate body temperature as well as 100% down. They are easier to clean and maintain as they can be washed often.

To invest in light weight, hypoallergenic comforters you can check Sleep & Beyond, an online bedding store. An organic cotton comforter means that the cotton used for these comforters is not possessedusing any toxic materials like pesticides or any harmful chemicals which are used in the traditional farming of cotton.

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