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Common materials used in making comforters

Sleep & Beyond
Common materials used in making comforters

A comforter is an essential bedding item that is used with a bed sheet to add extra comfort while you're sleeping. As you decide to buy one for yourself, you have to consider its size and the type of material used to fill it.

Some people also consider organic comforters due to their health concerns. However, you have to choose a material that fits you best, and to help you with the details, here are the common types of filling used to make comforters:


Cotton is the most common type of fiber used in making comforters. It is considered the most comfortable material that can be used as a filling for comforters.

Cotton is very soft and beholds the ability to absorb moisture, so you can use the cotton comforters in winters as well as summers. Besides these benefits, cotton comforters are breathable too and can be washed easily in washing machines. 


We all know that wool is the best to keep us warm during the summers. But, wool is also hypoallergenic naturally and beholds outstanding insulating properties. A wool comforter is much more durable than cotton and dries faster.

Wool also has the temperature regulating ability which means it can keep you warm in winters and keep you cold in summers. If you're looking for the best wool comforter, you can consider buying a merino wool comforter that is made from the wool obtained by a breed of sheep called "Merino".


Silk is associated with luxury. A comforter with silk as its filling is highly comfortable and there is no risk of any allergies as there is no other chemical used while processing silk.

Silk comforters are expensive than cotton and wool comforters and the only reason behind this is the price of silk, which is more expensive than cotton and wool.

If you're planning to buy a silk comforter, you may have to face some durability issues and it is quite hard to get one that is not expensive.


Down comforters are known for their breathability and they prevent the entry of moisture into the covers. Down has been used as a type of filling for comforters and blankets for centuries but it can be only used in winters. There are two reasons that can stop you from buying a down comforter.

The first one being its extremely warm nature and the second one is if you're an animal lover. According to the manufacturers, it takes 75 geese to fulfill the requirement of down needed to fill a single comforter. 

The choice of filling totally depends upon the use and the place where you're living. If you're looking forward to buying some good quality comforters, you can consider "Sleep & Beyond". Sleep & Beyond has been providing organic and natural bedding items since 1992 that are manufactured in their own factories present in Kyrgyzstan.

To have a look at their products that also include a merino wool mattress topper, visit their website: https://sleepandbeyond.com/.

Sleep & Beyond
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