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Busting Hair Removal Myths

Busting Hair Removal Myths

If you think hair removal was not prevalent in the history then you are wrong! Hair removal was even a thing in Egyptian and ancient Greek civilizations. Even Greeks were the ones who came up with the earliest form of razors. However, it was considered a luxury but now this is the most normal thing one can do.

Now, the problem is with something that have this long history it is common for myths to appear. There are several myths surrounding the whole hair removing process some are ridiculous, some not so much! Here we are trying to debunk some of the most common myths.

Hair Are Coarser After Shaving

When you started shaving for the first time there is a high probability that you have heard this from friends or someone else. You might have noticed it too when the hair grows back it is coarser. Let us tell you the truth if your hair appears to be coarser when growing back it doesn’t mean it is…

What happens when you shave is the hair near to the skin is removed. It is tapered and it grows back straight which means it look thicker. The fine alternative would be waxing because it removes hair from the root. It makes brand new hair grow which appear finer and thin. This is why many favor waxing services Perth has to offer.

Removing Body Hair Is Necessary

Despite the fact that majority of women feel like it is a compulsion to remove hair from their body the truth is quite opposite. You can let your hair grow as much as you like and never shave or wax. No one and we repeat no one should be forced to remove hair it should be a personal choice.

Laser Is A Permanent Solution

The sole reason behind the popularity of laser hair removal is the myth that we are busting… it is not a permanent solution! Yes, you read it right laser hair removal doesn’t guarantee that there will never be any hair on your body ever again.

It basically targets the hair follicle, melanin and kills it but the problem is that it targets active growing hair and not the ones that might grow in the future (obviously). So, when a new hair decided to pop out there is not much a laser can do except you take several sittings which would not be cost effective.

Plucking Grey Hair Makes More Grey Hair Grow

We all have heard it several times that if a single grey hair is plucked, three more grey hairs grow in its place. How is it possible? There will be only one grey hair growing back in its place.

It Hurts To Wax

Well it mainly depends on your pain threshold but still we would say it is discomforting not really hurtful. People might tell you to down some drinks before your appointment. This should be the last thing you should be doing because alcohol tighten the pores making hair removing tough and painful than usual.

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