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Learning About Jewelry: The Only Guide You Will Ever Need

Bernice Yolanda
Learning About Jewelry: The Only Guide You Will Ever Need

Are you wanting to accessorize your clothes and boost your color style by picking the best piece of jewelry? Whether you are buying, selling or wanting to maintain your investment, these tips can help you get the most out of your jewelry ventures.

Watch how you store your jewelry when it isn't being worn. The right jewelry box that has separate compartments, hooks and holders to keep the pieces apart is the best choice. Do not just throw them into piles in a box. This can damage fragile, delicate jewelry, and necklaces can become very tangled in other jewelry pieces.

When shopping for genuine sterling silver jewelry, you need both a discerning eye and a small magnet. You can tell if a piece of silver is sterling or not by using a magnet. Sterling will not react to the magnet, but non-precious metals will be attracted. You can recognize sterling silver by stamps that say '.925' or 'ster'. If a particular piece is not stamped, you should be cautious of its authenticity.

Keep your jewelry from getting tarnished to preserve its best appearance. Don't wear jewelry near water. Water can dull and rust some types of metal if it is exposed to it too often. Apply clear nail polish to your jewelery as an added protection.

There has always been something special about our gift box draped in our signature burgundy ribbon. It's a pleasure to provide you with this complimentary service whenever you order any fine jewelry or gift from Serli & Siroan.

Put on the jewelry to see if it hangs correctly, then wear it for a few hours to test the comfort. It will also allow you to see if the item is durable enough.


Taking good care of your jewelry is important if you want it to last. Metals, gemstones and settings all have different storage and cleaning requirements. Processes that may work for one type of jewelry may be harmful to others. When in doubt about the right way to maintain your jewelry, just ask a professional jeweler.

By wearing a brooch, your belt will be accented and look more interesting. You can pin in at the front-center of the belt or near the hip.

Makeup isn't for jewelry. Let your makeup dry before you put on a piece of jewelry. Dust and grime from makeup gravitates towards jewelry, and putting on your jewelry first can leave it looking dull or dingy. Earrings and necklaces are the prominent pieces affected by this.

If your gemstone was treated, you should know about it before you purchase it. Different treatments come with different requirements for cleaning and storage. For example, you would not want to use a jewelry cleaner that is incompatible with a certain type of treatment. Doing so could result in irreversible damages to the color and surface of the stone.

Never swim with your jewelry on. Your jewelry's luster and life can be damaged from the chlorine that is present in the pool water. Salt water is equally as bad for your jewelry. Taking jewelry off before getting in the water will protect it and extend the life of the jewelry.

If you want to spend a lot of money on some jewelry, then make sure to buy a piece that will last a very long time. This goes not only for the quality of the piece but also the style of it. Very often pieces that are currently trendy wind up looking foolish later. Stick to pieces that have stood the test of time.

For example, choose a beautiful piece of onyx jewelry to attract attention at your next important event. Not only will you feel fabulous about your beautiful jewelry, but you'll also feel fabulous about how much you saved.

Pair large and ornate jewelry pieces with simple outfits. Wear solid colors to bring attention to a fabulous item of jewelry.

If you are a jewelry maker who sells at craft fairs, holiday markets and such, you may have trouble coming up with ways to properly display it. While shopping for beads, stones and other jewelry findings, try to visualize a creative display fixture. There are many different things that you could use like a cigar-boxes, baskets, different racks or even a wig stand. With a little creativity, any thing can be turned into a jewelry display case.

Now that you have undoubtedly learned some new and interesting facts about jewelry, you can be more confident in your selection and appraisal of lustrous gemstones, sparkling diamonds, colorful beads and gleaming metals like silver, gold and platinum. Enjoy your jewelry buying, selling or wearing experience a little more now that you have the right information.

Bernice Yolanda
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