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Here is the Best Dry Walls For Dry Construction

Vishali Anbu
Here is the Best Dry Walls For Dry Construction

Construction techniques have been changed a lot when compared to the techniques followed in the last decades. The new techniques and technologies have proven many impossible construction methods possible in today’s generations. Here is yet another cool technology in the construction of a building called Green Dry Construction. This method uses a very low amount of water which saves energy consumption and the best method for an area having water scarcity. This method is easy to construct especially in the metropolitan cities where there is a demand for water.

One of the important technical specifications of drywalls from Ramco industries is fire-rated partition. Drywalls in today’s construction had replaced the traditional construction of walls using brick and mortar. It minimises the time of construction with greater quality and durability. These walls are steel framed with fire-rated partition providing a greater fire resistance of about 2 hours fire rating and sound insulation of 43 decibels up to a height of 4.2 meters.

Vishali Anbu
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