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6 Best Apple HomePod Features Every User Should Know

Jack Arona
6 Best Apple HomePod Features Every User Should Know

HomePod is an innovative speaker added in the long list of amazing Apple products. It’s a smart speaker in which Siri is enabled, and you can command numerous things from it. As it is a speaker, you can hear music wherever you want in your house, whether you are in the kitchen or bedroom or anywhere else. Smart pairing with a speaker can help you experience multiple convenient things. Apple added multiple features in the HomePod to make it one of the best speaker devices, they succeeded in most of the cases. If you already have HomePod or are thinking of getting one, then you should know some great features which are already available on your HomePod.

SOURCE:- 6 Best Apple HomePod Features Every User Should Know

Amazing HomePod Features to Know

  1. Customizing and Renaming the Device

Your HomePod already has a name and its name you see when you pair or set up with the device. But if you want to set up a new name, then this option is always open for you. You can put any particular name of your HomePod without any restrictions.

  1. Before starting, you need to download and install the Home application.
  2. Now you need to “Long-press” and hold the HomePod in question.
  3. Then click on the “Settings” icon on the right-bottom side.
  4. Click on the name of the top bar and then mention your HomePod name.

That is how you can customize any name for your HomePod easily.

  • Transfer Playing Music On HomePod or Any Other Device

Transferring media playing is a great feature in HomePod, and to do it, you just need to follow a simple step. You can basically “Hold” your iPhone device above the HomePod device, which is a touch interface. After doing it, you will see a notification on your iPhone device. You only need to “Click” on that notification to transfer the playing media on the HomePod device. In the same way, you can do a reverse thing like you are playing on HomePod and transfer to the iPhone device by just holding the device.

  • Use HomePod to Find Music, Podcasts and Siri Control

Siri is intelligent, and with its intelligence, you can find music easily. Some tasks like finding a name song, playing the song, adding a song in the playlist can be completed from HomePod just by Saying “Hey Siri.” It will hear every command of your voice and in HomePod Siri works in a better way. One of the greatest features on HomePod with Siri is that you can interact with Siri about the iTunes podcast. You just have to speak that certain name, and it will play the one that you wish for.

  • Add Calendar Events, Reminders, Alarms, Timers and Adding Notes

HomePod is connected to your device, and it will hear your every command and also complete the tasks of other apps as well. You can add notes, set timer, alarms, calendar events, and many more things by saying “Hey Siri” and then task that you want to happen. Some of the easiest command you can try is:

  • “Hey, Siri, set the alarm of 9:00 AM every day.”
  • “Hey, Siri, make a calendar event for ‘particular purpose’ for 10:00 AM tomorrow.”
  • Control Smart Home with HomePod

When your device is connected to HomePod, then you can use it as a Smart home with HomeKit devices. Your every command, HomePod will accept, and in your smart house, you can do a lot more things. In order to control the house, you are required to some easy things. First, launch the app and click on the “House” sign on the top-left side. There you can allow other people to your smart home hub to control things as well.

You can give access to anyone but just try to share it with a family member. If everyone on the house is connected with the same network so they can use it easily. For this thing, you need to set up manually in “Allow Speaker & TV Access” then choose “Anyone on the Same Network” to limit the users to access.

  • Use HomePod as Speaker and Disable Siri

Sometimes Siri shows up and responds to those times even when no one asked for it. It happens because Siri is active, but you can turn it in the HomePod to make it work as a simple speaker. To do it, you can follow a simple process.

For disabling Siri from HomePod, run the Home application on the iPhone device, then you need to Long-press the HomePod. Click on the Down-side and keep scroll down and you will see a “Siri” bar. Now turn off “Hey Siri” or “Touch and Hold for Siri” both options. “Hey Siri” command is always active in default, but you can turn it off anytime you want.

Jack Arona is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about security. He writes about the latest updates regarding mcafee.com/activate and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs and websites.

Jack Arona
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