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How to Share a File from Mi Drop on PC?

John Jackson
How to Share a File from Mi Drop on PC?

Mi Drop began as an application for Xiaomi smartphones prior to being launched as a standalone application. It uses peer-to-peer (P2P) method for transferring files and between phones. Moreover, this app is available for free and does not contain ads. Here is how to share files using Mi Drop.


Installing the Application on Phone

If you want to install the application on the phone, then you need to follow the instructions given below.

  • First of all, open the Google Play Store on the Android device.
  • Thereafter you should search for Mi Drop.
  • Go to the results & choose the Mi Drop application.
  • You have to tap on the Install option.
  • Then you should close the Google Play Store.’
  • Later, navigate to the Home screen & open the Mi Drop app.
  • You have to tap on the Start button.
  • When you view the device’s nickname, type it down.
  • You can choose one of the avatars from taking a selfie or select an image on the Gallery.
  • Later, tap on Next.
  • Now, when the app asks for permission, click on allow.

Connecting the Mi Drop to the Computer

You need to connect the Mi Drop to the computer. Follow the instructions given below.

  • Get started by open the Mi Drop application on your device.
  • Then you should tap on the vertical ellipsis menu icon.
  • You have to choose “Connect to computer” option.
  • Tap on the Start button.
  • Choose the type of connection between Portable (not secure) & Password-protected.
  • Later, you should choose the storage volume.
  • Now, write down the FTP address.

Moving Files from the PC

If you want to move the files from the PC, then you need to follow the instructions given below.

  • To get started, open the Windows Explorer on your PC.
  • Enter the FTP address that you have gotten in the URL bar of the web browser.
  • A listing of folders will appear in the selected device’s root. 
  • Browse the PC for the file you would like to share with the phone or tablet.
  • You have to right-click on that & select Copy.
  • You should open the web browser.
  • Thereafter locate the Android storage.
  • You have to right-click on the folder & select paste.

Share Files from the PC to the Mi Drop-Equipped Phone with FileZilla

You need to share files from the PC to the Mi Drop-equipped phone with FileZilla. Follow the instructions given below.

  • First, you have to install the FileZilla on your PC.
  • Once the application install, open the application.
  • You should navigate to the Mi Drop’s FTP address into the FileZilla’s Host box.
  • Ensure that you have to clear the password & username boxes.
  • Thereafter select the Quickconnect option.
  • Your device’s chosen storage partition will display on the right-hand side of the screen.
  • Now, you should move the files from your PC to the phone’s storage.

John Jackson is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cybersecurity. She writes about the latest updates regarding mcafee.com/activate and how it can improve the work experience of users. Her articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs, and websites.

John Jackson
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