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How Return A Kindle Book And Get A Refund?

Kindle Frozen
How Return A Kindle Book And Get A Refund?

Do you know that you can get a refund by returning your Kindle book? Well, numerous people are unaware of this fact. The user needs to know regarding making a refund request, hence we have jotted down the details for you.

After going through an amount of review on certain book on Kindle many readers accidently buy a lot of books. Sadly, the readers instead of returning the books, leaves a negative review of the book. So, it’s always suggested to not leave a bad comment for book and return it and get your refund from Amazon. It’s very easy and convenient.

Sadly, it has been noticed that many users take negative advantage of this benefit that Amazon offers to its customers and read the book quickly then return it and ask for refund. Well, eventually Amazon will catch you and will suspend your Kindle account for abusing the facilities.  Therefore, it is a bad idea to perform such tricks.

There is a condition by Kindle store if you wish to return the book, you need to e=return it within 7 days of your purchase.

There is even a tool on Kindle to avoid accidental purchases. Users can use that instead of returning the books every time they accidently buy it. For more details you can anytime contact Kindle Customer Support.

Now let’s scroll down and see the refund process:

Requesting A Refund

The note to keep in mind is that once you initiate the refund, you won’t be able to access the book. So be sure before making a refund request that you don’t wish to read the book in near future.

    The user needs to open the Kindle app

    If you are not logged in then Log in to your account

•    At the top of the Kindle homepage visit the 'Your Account' tab and click it. And from drop down menu choose 'Manage Your Kindle' or 'Manage your content and devices' from the options.

    The user will see a page that includes the recent purchases. Choose the book you want to return to get the refund.

•    To the right of the purchase visit the 'Actions' tab and click it

•    From the list of options the user needs to choose 'Return for Refund. Now tell Kindle that why you wish to return the book.  From the drop down menu, you can select the standard reason

    Then click 'Return for Refund'

The book will be removed from your Kindle device once you will return the book for refund. To the original payment platform the refund will subsequently be credited. If the user gets confused or the payment has not been received, then please feel free to contact the Kindle customer service or call Kindle phone number.

Kindle Frozen
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