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Diet for Kidney Patient

Dr Puru Dhawan
Diet for Kidney Patient

Dr. Puru Dhawan highly recommends the proper diet for kidney disease patients to prevent them from kidney failure. It is generally recommended that all kidney patients restrict sodium, protein, and potassium in your diet. But diet for every kidney patient varies from patient to patient.

1. Protein Intake: affected kidney loses the ability to remove waste. It is highly recommended to avoid the use of protein in the diet. At sai Sanjivani person with low protein level are advised to take a) moong daal b) egg white

2. Potassium: It is recommended to avoid potassium-rich fruit and vegetables in kidney failure. Fruits like banana, avocado and kiwi and dry fruits are to be avoided. Rooty and leafy vegetables need to be avoided as they contain a high level of potassium.

3. Water: A patient should drink according to the function of the kidney. waster also helps to remove waste from the body.

4. Salt: is not good for kidney disease patients as it results in high blood pressure. It is recommended to take a pinch of salt.


Kidney Failure Diet Chart

PROTEIN INTAKE IN KIDNEY FAILURE If you have chronic kidney disease (CKD), it's important to watch what you eat and drink. Kidney Failure Diet Chart Diet plays a very important part of kidney failure treatment as healthy eating is very important in everyone's life. But a person should make changes in their diet

Dr Puru Dhawan
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