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Convert MS Outlook data from OST file to PST

Helen Gilbert
Convert MS Outlook data from OST file to PST

Microsoft Outlook email client stored all data including emails, contacts, calendar, tasks, notes, etc as OST file for local backup. If you want to move all these local Outlook data from one Windows PC to another PC then you need to convert the ost file to pst and import the PST file Outlook software.

To convert ost to pst you can use vMail OST to PST Converter. This software restores all Outlook components Inbox, Outbox, Sent Items, Drafts, Deleted Items, Contacts, Calendar & Attachments, etc from unlimited size of OST file and export to PST file and other formats MSG, MBOX, EML, EMLX, HTML, PDF, vCard & vCal.

This OST file converter is capable of recover data from corrupt and encrypted OST file and export all Outlook data to Office 365 & Exchange Server. OST to PST Converter supports OST file from MS Outlook versions 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010 & 2007.

More Info-Outlook OST to PST Converter

Helen Gilbert
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