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How to Repair Your Outlook Personal Folder File (.pst) 2010?

Alfyie Thms
How to Repair Your Outlook Personal Folder File (.pst) 2010?

Are you googling for a solution on how to repair your Outlook Personal Folder file (.pst) 2010? A Microsoft Outlook PST file may get corrupted or damaged due to many issues. First of all, PST file corruptions can be minor or major. In order to repair severely corrupted Outlook PST files, as a technical person, I will recommend using a reliable and trust-able third-party solution to fix Outlook PST file corruptions. As we all know Inbox Repair tool is one of the best inbuilt utility available to repair minor corruptions in MS Outlook PST file. This small blog, We will briefly see a direct method to repair Outlook Personal Folder File (.PST) in Outlook 2010, and other versions without any data loss.

Perfect Solution to Fix corrupted Outlook PST Files
If you are facing issues in opening your Outlook account or your Outlook PST files corrupted or damaged, it is better to go for an Outlook PST Email Recovery Software to repair broken PST file in an efficient and effortless manner. The SysTools Outlook PST Repair Tool is one of best application available to resolve MS Outlook issues in the quick and fast way. The products repair and recover damaged Outlook PST files in Outlook 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003 versions. It can also recover permanently deleted Outlook emails along with attachments, contacts, calendars, tasks etc. Follow the steps to understand the working of the tool.

  1. Download & Run Outlook PST Recovery Tool
  2. Add Outlook PST files and Scan & Repair PST Files
  3. Preview PST items like emails with attachments
  4. Export PST files into PST, MSG, EML & Office 365

How To Repair Your Outlook Personal Folder File (.pst) 2010
There are many manual solutions to repair corrupted PST file. Each method differs in steps and asks users to take special care while performing. A minor mistake in performing the steps may result in lost data. As we know, a PST file contains various items like emails, contacts, calendars, tasks, journals etc. Causing any damage to PST file means loss of all entire data in MS Outlook 2010 and other accounts. Here we list down various manual solution available.

  • Open Outlook in Safe Mode & Disable Add-ins
  • Create New Outlook Profile
  • Open Outlook in Compatibility mode
  • Inbox Repair Tool to fix PST files

Bottom Notes
Even there are various manual solutions that can help to repair corrupted Outlook PST files. But manual solutions do not guarantee any safety and security of PST files. The PST files may get lost and damaged while using manual solutions. Moreover, they are time-consuming and tiresome. The tools suggested in this know how to repair your Outlook Personal Folder File (.pst) 2010, 2013, 2016 and other lower editions without any data loss. Try the application for the perfect result.

Alfyie Thms
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