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Every New Character Released in Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Harry Martin
Every New Character Released in Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Final Fantasy 7 Remake would be a masterpiece, and to make that happen, Square Enix is focusing on adding new things instead of just making a remake. Final Fantasy 7 Remake is a remake version where the story might be somewhat the same, but in the game, players will get to see some new characters as well. With the release of Final Fantasy 7 Remake, developers are also adding some new characters that will appear in the storyline. During the gameplay and storyline, players will be able to see several outsider characters. Here are the list and description of all-new characters that are going to be in Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

Every New Character Released in Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Source:- Every New Character Released in Final Fantasy 7 Remake

New Character Released in Final Fantasy 7 Remake

  1. Roche

From the entire new characters, Roche has the highest screen time in the trailer of Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Square Enix also confirmed through their blog post that Roche is going to be a third-class soldier in the game. His behavior is arrogant, and even his nickname is “Speed Demon” because he loves motorcycles, carelessness in safety, speed. His comrades are from Shinra organization. The bike he probably drives is the red color that and makes his looks like an outlaw guy.

The character and the storyline of Roche is going to be engaging in the game and would be worth to focus on. He has a backstory that will be shown in the game, and hopefully, from that, players will get to know about him completely.

  • Leslie Kyle

In the original game Final Fantasy 7, where an enemy was “Corneo’sLacky” Leslie Kyle is one henchman. In the wall market, the cloud will interact will several characters, and Leslie Kyle will be one of them where he is popular because of assisting Corneo. Among the henchman of Corneo, Kyle is one of the most trusted and admired person. He is young and has a severe and distress type of nature. Square Enix added him in the game in the category of tough guys.

  • Andrea Rhodea

Cloud and his gang endeavor to liberate Tifa from the Don Corneo, Cloud, and his mate Aerith change their appearance into call girls to rescue from Don Corneo’s estate. Both of the guys need to give an audition to gain access into Corneo’s estate, however there Andrea Rhodea enters. He is the owner of Honeybee Inn and also the performer and was about to gain access to Don Corneo’s hall. The main objective of Andrea is that he find and choose the right girl with potential that seems to have real perfection and beauty within. At the cloud’s cross apparel scene, Andrea will be in a significant role, and also he is the one that arranges meet of Cloud and Aerith with Don in the game.

  • Chocobo Sam

Chocobo Sam’s is Chocobo handler, who is an extra lieutenant at the wall market. His appearance is kind of cowboy, and he also runs the Chocobo delivery service. He is famous because of his substantial addiction to gambling, where he does not play for the win but to have thrilled. At the scene of call girls, Chocobo Sam is also there for a role approval.

  • 5.    Madam M

Just like Rhodea, Madam M is an extra top class profile personality in the wall market. She is the owner of a massage parlor in the wall market, and also she is the one who approves entrance in the Corneo’s private room as his one-night “wife.” Her role in the game is a greedy woman who only does things that beneficial for her. Cloud and Aerith will interact with her and most likely to convince her, but she isn’t that type of lady that can be convinced easily.

There several more characters that will be shown in the game, but they do not have the type of role these characters have. In the quest of mercenary, players will able to see Chadley and some more other characters. They might have some extra story in the game, but it’s not confirmed that what kind of side they will and what kind of role they will play in the game.

Harry Martin is a qualified IT engineer by education. After working in the IT sector for a decade, He began writing about it two years ago. He loves to write about emerging technology like mcafee.com/activate.

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