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Steve Scott hired by Taulia to look after the APAC region

FinTech Buzz
Steve Scott hired by Taulia to look after the APAC region

Taulia has announced that it has hired Steve Scott, who has experience of working as an executive director in the industry of Banking in Australia, specializing in Commodity Finance, Trade Finance and Supply Chain Finance. He is known for holding leadership roles previously at organizations like Commonwealth Bank and Westpac. He has achieved a Masters degree in Applied Finance from Kaplan Professional. Onboarding on Steve means enhancing the consumer satisfaction by making use of his deep knowledge and experience across the industry of Supply Chain Finance.

US-based Taulia is the market leader in providing technology solutions for working capital, dynamic discounting services and supply chain finance. Steve has been appointed as the Head of the Asia Pacific region., and will be seen working at the Sydney office of the company. It will be Steve’s responsibility to expand the presence of the company in this region while bringing in growth opportunities by partnering with the existing customers in the APAC region. Fintech News

The CEO of Taulia believes that APAC and Australia are strategically crucial when it comes to supply chain and trading globally. Hence, it is imperative to have a leader who will utilize his expertise and enthusiasm at such a time when organizations are looking for creating ways to access the cash flow that they need. The company wants to serve businesses, especially the small ones, by helping them sustain by creating ways of access to cash in the most cost-effective manner. Steve will help the company walk towards the path of achieving their vision by bridging the funding gap.

What strategies will Steve implement and where will it lead the company, time will tell. Get to know more about such news and information from the field of fintech on Fintechbuzz. Fintechbuzz provides you with information in various forms, from all over the fintech industry.

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