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How to Connect the MacBook Air to a TV?

Eva winget
How to Connect the MacBook Air to a TV?

If you have MacBook Air,then you would be delighted to know that you can connect it to a TV for browsing the internet, share pictures or presentations, make a higher workspace, etc. There are many ways to connect your MacBook Air to TV and here are the simplest ones:


Link MacBook Air to the TV via HDMI

  • Remember that MacBook Air and TV are switched on.
  • After that, connect the HDMI cord into the applicable HDMI port on the TV.
  • You should attach the other end of the cord of HDMI to the ‘’Mini DisplayPort’ to the ‘HDMI adapter.’
  • Connect the ’Mini DisplayPort’ to the ‘HDMI adapter’ to the MacBook Air through the port of lightning.
  • Then switch on the TV and ensure that it adjusts to the right HDMI input.
  • Now, enable the MacBook Air and sign-in normally and view the show mirrored on the TV.

Link MacBook Air to the TV via Apple TV

  • Make sure that MacBook Air and Apple TV are turned on and linked with a similar Wi-Fi connection.
  • After that, click on the AirPlay button in the menu bar of MacBook Air.
  • You should see the menu of the drop-down.
  • Then click on the preference and choose the TV that you would like to link.
  • Now, you are linked and ensure that all media will work through the TV.
  • Finally, you want to detach the MacBook Air from the TV, click on the AirPlay button on the MacBook Air and later select the Turn AirPlay Off.
  • Optionally, hit the Menu button on the remote of Apple TV to switch off the connection.

Link MacBook Air to the TV via Chromecast

  • Firstly, switch on the TV and check it adjusts to show the Chromecast.
  • After that, turn on the MacBook Air and ensure that it’s linked to a similar Wi-Fi connection as the Chromecast.
  • You should launch Google Chrome on the MacBook Air.
  • Go to Chrome and click on the Chromecast button situated toward the upper right-hand side of the display.
  • It will launch the applicable Chromecast devices list.
  • You have to choose the Sources section and then click on the Cast section.
  • Go to the TV you would like to cast to.
  • After connecting, you will view a blue color circle.
  • The section is shown on TV.
  • When you have done, and you would like to detach the TV, click on the Chromecast section.Then choose the blue color circle or easily shut the tab of browser.


The article is about the ‘Connect the MacBook Air to a TV.’ Through the medium of this article, we will help the users to fix ‘Connect the MacBook Air to a TV.’We hope you will avail of this article and find it is helpful. It is advisable to be aware while reading the article to avoid any mistakes while implementing these guidelines.

Eva Winget is an avid technical blogger, a magazine contributor, a publisher of guides at mcafee.com/activate, and a professional cyber security analyst. Through her writing, she aims to educate people about the dangers and threats lurking in the digital world

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