Before the day’n emergency health p&number;public that we are currently suffering, caused by the pandemic COVID-19, I point out some healthy recommendations for this quarantine.
Due to the confinement home to través which we will be able to contain the progression’n of this pandemic, many will seeán forced to abandon their háhabits daily, among them alsoén the activity física.
First of all, I would like to give a recommendation of’n and widespread is that, for those people who want to maintain their form, are consistent at the time of follow workouts to través of social networks, which do not now movements or exercises that have not made ever.
that Is to say, you perform movements and exercises you already know and that give them security, for así do not fear to suffer no lesi’n take them to the emergency room (something that we need to release for dealing with the current problem) or that the return to the día a día, may leave sequelae.
healthy Recommendations for this quarantine
on the other hand, what's important now is those people who by their circumstances have mobility problems, sick cr’nicos and the elderly, who are the groups más vulnerable in this situation’n and d’where we must focus.
These healthy recommendations for this quarantine, have as main objective, to maintain the activity levels needed for those with patologías and that you really need in addition to your medication’n, such as: people with obesity, hipertensi’n, diabetes, osteoarthritis, some types of cáncer, etc
here’n listé some healthy recommendations for this quarantine, simple and prápractices:
Keep an activity intermittently. It is advisable to get up at least every 2 hours (sure, if you have a smart watch I rememberá), got to walk a little for house or perform any activity that requires movement as well as clean.
No estés too long in the same position’n, seeks to alsoén stand for as long as possible.
Try to keep in movement with simple exercises and light intensity, you can do so with the weight of your body or with the aid of external loads that can be bottles of water, cartons of milk, etc
Perform exercises for joint mobility, controlling the range and intensity of the exercises.
don't forget the flexibility, performing exercises, gentle stretches that will never produce pain.
In relation to’n to the power’n, we must strive to maintain a comfortable power’re healthy and balanced, because of the situation’n of confinement, we will have más periods of anxiety or boredom that we hará resorting to food as this figure’n primary.
Now that you have más time, find healthy recipes, make your own cookies, take the opportunity to cook dishes that were previously not pod’s, etc
At this stage we está put to the test as a team and as human beings, I hope we can make something good out of this adversity and that when we return to our daily routine, we are still’to be much better and we have learned to value what really has value.
A big hug to all of coraz’re together, you'll end up with this.