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Online courses

online Courses
Online courses

online Courses

The teachers of AICAD Business School we developed programs such as ad-hoc face-to-face & Blended Learning specialist
enhance the internal talent of the organization.
Since our foundation’n in a&bath;or 2010 as a business school we have proven our ability to transmit
knowledge of transformer, in a creative, attractive, impactful and effective, using the más various
procedures (lectures, role-plays, and dinámicas outdoor and indoor, storytelling, audiovisual media, new
technology’s mobile, gamificaci’n and virtual spaces of interconexi’n, performances, etc).
Today it is very difícil build messages from the simple verbalizaci’re. We live in a world overwhelmed by noise, the
multiplicity of messages. But not all are equally relevant. It is necessary that a manager knows an impact, to leave a mark. In
high places as in the elementary of all organization’n, the challenge is to communicate in a different way: shape
persuasive and creative, strategicégica, emotional, participatory, experiential, and with the support of the right mix of appropriate,
supports multi-channel.

At AICAD Business School have the knowledge and the infrastructure needed to help Governments and
Organizations to form, impact, inspire, motivate, and achieve a transformation’re deep in the styles of actuaci’n and
relationship’n corporate (espíritu computer, confidence, pride of belonging, commitment, optimism, etc) according to the
needs of the same. With careful staging, design&bathrooms;ada ad hoc for the client, we get the message
desired reach with force to the p&number;public purpose, to través of structured actions that enhance the impact of the

online Courses
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