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Dating app development cost and features

Prismetric Technologies
Dating app development cost and features

Love is in the air and so is the pollution, traffic jams and depending on where you live, either sweltering sun or snowy skies. Smartphones have touched every aspect of our lives, and even the aspect of love in our lives hasn’t remained untouched. Gone are the days when you had to wait for the perfect partner or wait for the Universe to answer your prayers. Now, you can literally swipe your way to find your perfect date.

Apps such as Tinder, Bumble, etc. are making headlines in the online dating industry.
People are opening up to the idea of online dating. Stats show that 42% of people are looking for their love interest through online dating apps.


Why are dating apps beneficial?

Relationships are an important part of the human experience. Finding the perfect soul mate is on top priority for many people. Technology has proven its worth in this important area of life. Many dating websites and apps have come up which are proving to be an excellent companion for humans in the dating game. While websites are also in demand, mobile apps have taken the dating game to another level. They have truly put the power in the hands of the users.


How much does it cost to develop a dating app?

There are a lot of factors upon which the cost of making a dating app depends on. The level of complexity, the location of the app developers, the number of third-party plug-ins that you wish to integrate with the app, maintenance cost, app design, cost of hosting the app, cost of publishing the app on the app stores and the cost of including various security features in the app.

Where you choose to build your app has a significant impact on your budget. If you choose to develop your app from a company based in North America, then it would cost around 3-4 times higher than if you go for an app development company based in India. This is because India is a country rich in highly-skilled manpower.

If you go for building a basic dating app with features like social media sign-in and touch-ID as well as face-ID sign-in, Geo-location, advanced search and filter, saving favourites, admin dashboard and text chat; it will cost you between $8000-10,000.

While the same for an advanced dating app with advanced features will cost you based on the features and functionalities that are decided to be integrated in the app.

Read more at https://www.prismetric.com/dating-app-development-cost/



Prismetric Technologies
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