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6 Exclusive Features That You Can’t Afford to Miss While Developing a Dating App like Tinder

Space-O Technologies
6 Exclusive Features That You Can’t Afford to Miss While Developing a Dating App like Tinder

In the recent time, the online dating industry has gained huge popularity as the demand for the top dating apps among adults is increasing constantly.

According to the latest report by statista.com, the total revenue in the online dating segment amounts to $1,389m in 2017, and it is expected that the revenue will show an annual growth rate of 3.3% resulting in a market volume of $1584m in 2021.

Undeniably, there are enormous dating apps, but there are not many that can suffice the majority of users. So, entrepreneurs, who want to create a dating app like tinder, can grab the opportunity to create their own dating solution that stands apart.

However, if you are creating a dating app like Tinder, you can’t afford to miss these below mentioned features that can make your app successful in the dating industry.

Space-O Technologies
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