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How to Make Stopped Wi-Fi Working Again in iPad or iPhone

jack henry
How to Make Stopped Wi-Fi Working Again in iPad or iPhone

Cellular connection problems can be solved by resetting the whole set-up of cellular section and mobile data. However, the wireless connection could be a little complicated for the users. Honestly, it is the most tricky problem that most of the users don’t know how to solve, so here are some troubleshooting tips to try.

Toggle Wi-Fi Off and On Repeatedly

Well, it is a basic and straightforward trick to solve the problem. If the issue is miner so try toggle on or off to set that network back on track.

  1. Open “Settings.”
  2. Click on “Wi-Fi.”
  3. Turn Wi-Fi on and off 2-3 times after a gap of a few seconds.

Check if You are Connected to Right Network

Just check the Wi-Fi section and if there are multiple Wi-Fi networks available, then just make sure you are connected with the right one. You will not get the ideal response from the server if you connect with the wrong network. Sometimes the iPhone connects automatically when it was already connected to the specific network, so make sure you are connected with the right network.

  1. Open “Settings.”
  2. Click on “Wi-Fi.”
  3. Press on the “Wi-Fi network” that you want to choose.

Check the Latest Version of iOS Device.

Make sure your security patch updates are up to date. Apple releases updates on the operating system when they know about the problem in software. So if Wi-Fi is not working, then check the latest version of your iPhone.

  1. Open “Settings.”
  2. Click on “Make Stopped Wi-Fi Working.”
  3. Click on “Software Update.”
  4. Install the latest update if there is a pending version available.

Reset the Network Settings

The procedure of resetting the network on an iPad or iPhone is nowhere tough. You just require to follow some tips to reset the network settings.

  1. Open “Settings.”
  2. Click on “General.”
  3. Click on “Reset.”
  4. Press on “Reset Network Settings.”
  5. Mention the “Passcode.”
  6. Click on “Reset Network Settings” again.

After following it, your settings related to the network will completely restore. Your all previously added password and chosen network will be removed. You need to save the Wi-Fi password again to connect with the network.

Reboot the iPhone

  1. Tap and hold the “On/Off” key on the right side of the device.
  2. Hold the On/Off key, tap and hold the volume key to see the processing on screen.
  3. Slide the “Slider” through the “left to right” side of the screen.
  4. Hold on the On/Off key until the apple logo starts visibly.
  5. How to Reboot iPad with the Face ID
  6. Click and hold to the “Top” key on the device.
  7. Hold on to the “Volume” key to see the power off slider screen along with the top key.
  8. Slide the from “left to right” to turn off the device.
  9. Tap on the “Top” button and keep it on hold to turn on the device.
jack henry
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