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How to Enable and Use Spoken Content on iPad and iPhone?

jack henry
How to Enable and Use Spoken Content on iPad and iPhone?

In the accessibility section, there is a Spoken Content feature available that can read the written words of the screen or any opened page. If it’s a useful feature for you, then here is how you can enable and use it

How to Enable the Speak Selection

  1. Open “Settings.”
  2. Click on “Accessibility.”
  3. Press on “Spoken Content.”
  4. Toggle On the “Speak Selection.”

How to Use the Speak Selection

  1. Move to the text that you want to head loud.
  2. Click on the text and highlight that text by drag it.
  3. Few pop-up features will come out.
  4. Click on the “Speak” icon.

How to Enable Speak Screen

If you do so much reading and spend so much time on iBooks or any other reading app, the Speak Screen feature will be impressively helpful for you. It will read the entire screen for you.

  1. Open “Settings.”
  2. Click on “Accessibility.”
  3. Click on “Spoken Context.”
  4. Toggle On the “Speak Screen” feature.

How to Use the Speak Screen

  1. Slide down by two fingers from top to below.
  2. You can manage the speed, play, pause, forward, backward.

How to Enable the Speech Controller

The speech controller feature is a complete control panel that stays on the screen to control the speech. You can expand it on your iPad and iPhone device and control it by play and pause, forward and backward buttons.

  1. Open “Settings.”
  2. Click “Accessibility.”
  3. Click on “Spoken Content.”
  4. Click “Speech Controller.”
  5. Toggle On the “Show Controller.”
  6. Click on “Long press” or “Double-tap.”
  7. Click on “None,” “Read All Content,” and “Speak on Touch” from the Double-tap menu.
jack henry
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