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How to Fix No Wi-Fi Networks Found on Windows 10?

Eva winget
How to Fix No Wi-Fi Networks Found on Windows 10?
Are you facing a ‘No Wi-Fi Networks Found’ error while trying to connect to your WiFi? Turns out that you are not alone! Several Windows 10 users face the same issue. This problem occurs due to incompatible or damaged drivers or the inability of the WLAN card to function.
If you are looking for a solution to this issue, here are a few solutions for you to try:
Rollback to the Wi-Fi Adapter Driver
If you recently updated the Wi-Fi driver, then try rolling back. It may help you fix the issue.
  1. Hold the Windows and R buttons of the keyboard to invoke the Run section.
  2. After that, input ‘devmgmt.msc’ into it and select the OK button.
  3. Select the ‘Network adapters’ and twice click on it, then choose the Wi-Fi adapter and twice click on it.
  4. You should choose the Driver section and select the Roll Back Driver.
  5. Select the OK button.
  6. You have to pick the Yes button when asked to verify the driver rollback.
  7. Then reboot the system to apply the changes.
  8. Now, see if the system can effectively recognize a network of Wi-Fi.
Install the Wi-Fi Driver Again
Follow these steps to learn how you can reinstall the wifi drivers:
  1. Hold the Windows and R buttons over the keyboard to invoke the Ru section.
  2. After that, input ‘devmgmt.msc’ into it and select the OK button.
  3. Go to the Network adapters and twice click on it.
  4. Thereafter, select the ‘Wi-Fi’ adapter, and right-click on it then choose the Uninstall device.
  5. You should click on the Uninstall button to continue.
  6. Now, reboot the system.
  7. Hold the Windows and R buttons over the keyboard to invoke the Ru section.
  8. After that, input ‘devmgmt.msc’ into it and select the OK button.
  9. Select the Action option.
  10. Go to the ‘Scan for hardware changes’ and click on it.
  11. Now, reboot the system to apply the changes.
  12. Finally, check if the system can link to a network of Wi-Fi.
Turn off the Airplane Mode
Disabling the airplane mode may fix the no networks found issue on your Windows 10 device.
  1. Firstly, navigate to the network button into the lower right side of the screen.
  2. Don’t forget to disable the Airplane mode.
  3. Now, check whether the system can recognize any internet connections.
Eva Winget is an avid technical blogger, a magazine, a publisher of guides at blogs-search.com and a professional cyber security analyst..  Through her writing, she aims to educate people about the dangers and threats lurking in the digital world
Eva winget
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