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Best Semi-Automatic Washing Machine in India – Buying Guide

vivek kumar
Best Semi-Automatic Washing Machine in India – Buying Guide

A semi-automatic washing machine is one of the most used washing machines in India. This is the best option if you want a machine for your clothes even if you have very less amount to invest.

Here we have discussed some of the points which you need to consider before buying the best semi automatic washing machine in India.

Yes, it is not a fully automatic washing machine, hence you need to do some manual work as well.

If we talk about the washing performance then a fully automatic washing machine will always win the battle with its advanced cleaning technology.

But here in this price range, we have to say that it is the best deal for those who have fed up with washing the clothes in the traditional way.

Useful Accessories of Semi-Automatic washing machine:

Washing machine stand: Washing machine stand is required only if you don’t have adequate wheels on washing machine. Stands will help you move your washing machine from one place to another without much effort.

Washing machine cover: Washing machine cover prevents the washing machine from dust, dirt and scratches and they will increase the lifetime of the washing machine.

Washing machine spin cap: The spin cap is used in the spin tub to rinse and dry the clothes.

Washing machine outlet pipe: The outlet pipe is a plastic pipe which is used to drain the dirty from the washing machine, choosing the right outlet pipe is very important to avoid the leakage from the washing machine.

Disadvantages of Semi-Automatic washing machine:

  • Treatment of clothes: Most semi-automatic washing machines can tangle your clothes, and are generally rougher on fabrics.
  • Electrical awareness: while using the Semi-automatic washing machine there is a risk of getting an electric shock while transferring the clothes from wash tub to dry tub. Therefore, you will have to ensure that you turn off the switch while transferring the clothes to reduce the risk of getting shocked.
  • Water Usage: In a semi-automatic washing machine you have the facility to control the usage of water, but in that case, you need to maintain a minimum level of water irrespective of the number of clothes you wash.
  • Consumption of time: The semi-automatic washing machine consumes a lot of time as compared to the fully-automatic washing machine.
  • You will have to transfer the clothes from wash-tub to the drying-tub, but is fully automatic washing machine you will have to load the clothes once and let the machine do the rest work.


Frequently Asked Questions:


When does the machine start noising?

As we know that you should wash your clothes inside out and Before putting clothes inside the washing machine make sure that you have taken out all the coins or any leftovers in the pocket. Coins, debris, and un-greased bearings are the reason due to which the washing machine starts producing noise.


How can I maintain the machine?

Always clean the drum and the machine filter regularly with a dry cloth after every wash. Make sure to follow the guidelines listed in the machine instruction package.

vivek kumar
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