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Top IOS design standards to dump for improving user’s experience

Akshit Rana
Top IOS design standards to dump for improving user’s experience

IOS apps are rising in popularity these days due to an increase in the number of iPhone users. However, creating interactive native IOS applications remains as mysterious as ever. Because, unlike normal android and windows applications, IOS devices follow entirely different design standards. These design standards have been prescribed by Apple and all the components of the Native UI toolkit for IOS app development follow these standards religiously. However, these UI standards are not applicable for every application, and sometimes they can also make navigating through the IOS application hard for users.


This strict adherence to UI standards can also cause a negative impact on the brand’s image as well. Since these UI standards can create dissociation in brand identity and make it look untrustworthy. Hence, understanding which IOS design standards are worth following is a must for developers for ensuring smooth navigation experience without making the IOS app stand out from the rest.


With this article, today we will take an in-depth look into some of these problematic design standards and their suitable alternatives. So that merchants can create efficient IOS apps for their business.

 List of major inconvenient IOS design standards

Since IOS devices run on completely different OS then its popular alternative android, it has slightly different design standards. Although this doesn’t sound like a major problem, but for well-known brands with distinct brand images, this can hinder the process of branding. And can also impact the user’s experience negatively.


To avoid this, there are a few design standards that can easily be dumped by the developers for making the app navigation much easier. Below is a list of few of those troublesome design standard which must be avoided by hired IOS app development companies:


Dots for Navigation

Usually, IOS apps use translucent dots to indicate that the current screens can be swiped for accessing more content from the application. However, this can be quite confusing for users. As mostly in the app screen these dots are not easily visible, this can cause lots of trouble for users because they might remain unaware of the app’s complete content and services. Instead using visual content to indicate more information is available is a better alternative in such cases. As this not only makes the navigation process visible, it also makes your services more accessible.


Submit button on Top

Usually in IOS applications actions for completion such as save and submit appears at the top. This can be very inconvenient for users as it creates confusion during the navigation process, further this design convention is against the top to bottom workflow as well. Hence, avoiding it and choosing the normal top to bottom standardization is very important for ensuring smooth user experience.


Use of + icon

IOS apps usually use the “+” icon for denoting functionalities such as adding items and expansion of tabs for information availability. This, as a result, can cause confusion among users and can affect their experience with the IOS application negatively. Instead, developers should use other icons for expandable content and texts for denoting action related functionality.


To wrap up

Design is an important part of any application development process. As it determines how merchants represent their products and services in front of their users. So, focusing on creating an attractive and easy to navigate app UI is very important for IOS app developers. However, doing so by blindly sticking to the above mentioned confusing IOS design standards is almost impossible. So, adapt to the suitable design alternatives today for improving your user’s experience and brand image.

Akshit Rana
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