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Ahrefs Introduced an Amazing SEO Tool You Must Test Right Now

Bobby clarke
Ahrefs Introduced an Amazing SEO Tool You Must Test Right Now

Currently, a lot of digital marketing analysts rely on advanced marketing tools for quick and accurate results. These online tools are used to check the status of your website and act accordingly. A correct digital marketing tool can help you in a complete analysis of your website, starting from a keyword search, backlink analysis, on-page SEO analysis, and much more.

A lot of experts and professionals do not use manual website analysis because of its various drawbacks like time-consuming, etc. Therefore, the online digital marketing tool’s availability makes it much easier to create a database and comes in both the forms free and paid.

Ahrefs is considered to be one of the most used digital marketing tools platforms to create an audit report, a detailed analysis, and much more. Ahrefs has finally come up with a new service that has been asked by a lot of users.

The new Webmasters Tools enables you to handle the backlinks, keywords, and audit your website for nothing in exchange. You must have observed that a lot of online tools require you to enter your credit card details to sign-up. Fortunately, it’s not the case here!



The company’s spokesperson mentioned that a lot of people have already signed up for the new service and are taking advantage of the same. “We care about people who cannot afford to use online tools that are paid to reach somewhere. Sure, some people can afford to take the complete advantage of the SEO tools to reach more people and attract traffic. However, small businesses, sole proprietors, and others are still struggling to meet their targets,” she added.

Ahrefs doesn’t offer you advanced tools with the free version, which is natural, but it has set industry standards and does offer you to get somewhere. For the users concerned about their privacy, you need to know that the Google Search Console is only required for verification.

Here are some great reasons to use Ahrefs:

  1. Ahrefs thoroughly analyzes your website and lets you know about the improvements that can be made to bring up its ranking.
  2. You can use the Ahrefs content explorer feature to stay informed about the type of content you need to post to get more attention from the audience.
  3. Ahrefs enables you to improve your URL links by adding the keyword rich title tag. It is a big advantage and part of the website ranking.
  4. The tool provides you information about your competitor’s analysis. You can pick a content strategy based on who your competitors are.

Are these reasons enough to get going with the new service?

The Ahrefs Webmasters tools are relatively easy to use and don’t require much navigation. As mentioned above, though Ahrefs doesn’t offer any advancements, it has other features that’ll fit just fine. If you go on searching about the details, it is almost hard to believe that you’re getting an amazing service that too for free.

Source :-  https://trustloon.com/blog/ahrefs-introduced-an-amazing-seo-tool-you-must-test-right-now/

Bobby clarke
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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