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Best Scriptwriting Apps for Windows and Mac Users

Bobby clarke
Best Scriptwriting Apps for Windows and Mac Users


Scriptwriting or screenwriting requires the writers to curate scripts for different mass media projects, including feature films and video games. If you are a scriptwriter, you cannot deny the requirement of a scriptwriting app. Whether you are an amateur screenwriter or a professional in the business, a scriptwriting app will help you register your thoughts/ script, check the vocabulary according to the context, and fluency. It will make it easier for you to edit the scripts and re-draft later at any time so that you can focus on the writing process.

All the good things cost a few bucks, and a good screenwriting or scriptwriting app is not any different. If you are looking forward to getting a good scriptwriting app on your PC or Mac, then check the list containing all the best apps:


WriterDuet is a simple yet powerful script writing app that will help you collaborate, outline, and create scripts easily. It is built for collaboration that offers features like real-time co-writing, commenting, in-app text, and video chat. It is excellent for creating writers’ rooms, sketch groups, and anybody who has a process built around feedback. The cloud-base on the app lets you write from anywhere on any device with auto-sync, mobile app, and online-offline desktop app.

You will get perfect formatting, stats, reports, production tools, and compatibility with any virtual file type. It enables the users to format easily, customize workflow, create custom templates, and save revision drafts with one click. It automatically integrates and organizes your beat sheets, treatments, and outlines so that you can focus on the rewriting that your story truly needs. WriterDuet’s premium subscription starts at $7.99/month.

Fade In

Fade In is a professional screenwriting software that can be used for motion pictures, television, video games, the stage, radio, and more. It supports multiple languages, outlining tools, organizing, and navigating. It also supports extensive screenplay formatting and robust functionality for managing rewrites and revisions. As you type, its software can automatically manage script formatting and transitioning from scene headings to dialogues, and more. It offers a variety of standard screenplay styles, which can be customized as well. You can control the page layout and appearance and tweak individual line lengths. You can install it on Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone/iPad, and Android for $79.95 a month.




Celtx offers a superior online collaboration platform, ensuring that every member of the production team stays engaged, organized, and informed. It allows multiple users to work simultaneously in numerous documents, including real-time collaborative script editing. Their cloud support takes automatic backup of your project, which you can access from anywhere on any device. Everything will remain entirely secured. All the documents you produce in Celtx establish industry standards. You can start using it for free and gradually get its premium tools for $15 a month.


Trelby is a free, multiplatform, feature-rich screenwriting program that offers multiple amazing and easy-to-use features for writing different script types. It automatically enforces accurate script format and pagination, auto-completion, and spell checking. It offers multiple viewing modes, including draft view, WYSIWYG mode, and full-screen, so that you can switch between these according to your writing style. It has a built-in name database that contains over 200,000 names from various countries. You can compare your scripts to check the corrections and changes. You can import screenplay in formatted text, like Final Draft XML (.fdx), Celtx (.celtx), Fountain (.fountain), Adobe Story (.astx) and Fade In Pro (.fadein), and export them in PDF, formatted text, HTML, RTF, Final Draft XML (.fdx), and Fountain (.fountain). It is available for Windows users only.

Movie Magic Screenwriter 6

Movie Magic Screenwriter 6 is an award-winning software for writing screenplays, stage plays, teleplays, musicals, comic books, novels, short stories, and more. It offers 8 Instructional templates for the stage play, screenplay, sitcom structure, classic film structure, etc. It also has ten industry-standard blank templates to format your screenplay, TV show, stage play, radio play, radio show, and more. It has an entire American English thesaurus and updated spell check dictionaries for American English, British English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian languages. You can even hear your character’s voice using the Text-to-Speech engines on your computer speakers. You can get it on Windows 10 and Mac OS 10.14 Mojave for $249.95.

These are some of the best scriptwriting tools you can use. Movie Magic Screenwriter 6 might exceed the budget limit for some people, but before purchasing it, you can run a free trial to check if it’s suitable for your requirements.

Source :-    https://247yellow.com/blog/best-scriptwriting-apps-for-windows-and-mac-users/   

Bobby clarke
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