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Learn More about Genetic Cancer Risk

cancer cancer
Learn More about Genetic Cancer Risk

Developing the chances of having cancer can be passed down through parents just the way any other traits eye colour or hair colour is passed.

There is a possibility of an increased chances of diseases like breast, colon or ovarian cancer due to small changes in person’s DNA.

Cancer Research Foundation encourages this to uncover about how genetic testing can be done in order to find out their inherited cancer risk.

Though the results are not always accurate though it does give an overall idea.

Just 5 to 10 percent of all cancers are accepted to be attached to an inherited gene mutation.

Genetic testing can help decide if an individual has acquired a particular quality change (or transformations) that put the person in question at higher danger for building up specific diseases. 

Most hereditary tests require a blood test from the patient, however a few tests can be performed utilizing saliva, urine, cheek swab. 


After the sample is taken it is shipped off to a lab where the results are provided within 2 weeks.

There are a number of results that you can expect in the report:

  • Positive
  • Negative 
  • Inconclusive
  • Variance of Uncertain Significance

When the results are positive, this indicates the lab has found something associated with an inherited cancer risk.

If the results are negative, this means no indication of specific genetic mutation were found in the report.

Inconclusive results mean the lab were not able to determine if specific genetic mutation was present or not.

Variance of Uncertain Significance, indicates a genetic mutation found but not associated with cancer.

How to know if genetic testing is right for you or not?

No test can give proper answers about an individual's acquired cancer risk.

Hereditary testing can reveal to you whether a particular hereditary transformation is available in your DNA, yet it can't let you know for sure that you will build up the infection related with that change further down the road.


Genetic testing is often recommended by doctors for patients who have a future history of cancer in their family.

Cancer Research Foundation India also helps patients understand better about genetic cancer.

Though one must consider getting tested with the proper guidance of a doctor.

This is important as it will ensure proper testing being done, with well trained professionals that will provide you with the right supervision.

Cancer awareness foundation also works towards this goal and help people be more vigilant about this disease.

Plus, if you get positive results about the increased risk for developing cancer then there are a number of things that can be done to decrease the chances.

From making healthy lifestyle changes to taking medications or even surgery can be done to reduce the chances of having cancer.

Author’s Bio:

Mehul is an eminent content writer who is well versed in drafting content that is related to cancer awareness in India.

Not only this, but he has a good number of experiences in writing content about genetic cancer risk. 

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