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Information to Benefit Users of the MTP Kit

Rob Lenon
Information to Benefit Users of the MTP Kit

An unwanted pregnancy brings along with it a number of challenges. Thankfully, today there are ways to terminate an unwanted pregnancy without surgery under a doctor’s guidance using the MTP Kit. Women need to be aware of this method so that they can take the necessary measures to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

There are several situations where a pregnancy may become unwanted. At all such occasions, MTP Kit may act as a rescuer for you. Here we have shared information about how pregnancy may be unwanted at a certain time. We have also shared all information about contents of the MTP Kit and the right way to use it. Read along and be better informed.

Different Reasons Why a Pregnancy Maybe Unwanted

The couple may find pregnancy as unwanted due to the following reasons:

  • The mother may not be physically healthy to carry a healthy baby.
  • There could be commitment issues amidst the couple.
  • The pregnancy maybe ectopic.
  • The financial condition of the couple may not be stable.
  • The couple may already have the desired number of children.

MTP Kit is an effective way to terminate a pregnancy non-surgically with a doctor’s guidance.

What does the MTP Kit Include?

The MTP Kit includes 1 tablet of Mifepristone 200mg and 4 tablets of Misoprostol 200mg. It is possible to place an order for MTP Kit online with the doctor’s prescription.

How to Use the MTP Kit?

The MTP Kit should only be used under a doctor’s supervision and guidance. The kit is helpful to terminate pregnancy of upto 63 days gestation. The Mifepristone 200mg tablet should be administered orally under doctor’s supervision first. This medicine cuts off the supply of progesterone hormone that has a great role to play in a normal pregnancy advancement.

After 1-3 days after Mifepristone is administered orally, the 4 Misoprostol tablets need to be administered vaginally. You can do this yourself or under doctor’s supervision. You will be asked to visit the doctor after 14 days for a follow-up.

What are the possible side effects of the MTP Kit?

Before using the MTP Kit, you should be aware of the possible side effects of MTP Kit. Here we have shared a list:

  • The MTP Kit will cause vaginal bleeding. The vaginal bleeding alone is no proof for successful abortion. A follow-up visit to the doctor is necessary.
  • The medicine may cause nausea, vomiting and digestive health issues in some women.
  • In some women, there could be allergic reactions such as hives and rashes.

What to keep in mind while purchasing MTP Kit online?

There are some things you need to keep in mind while placing order for MTP Kit Online Fast Shipping. Here we have listed these out for you:

  • Buy from stores that insist on a doctor’s prescription.
  • Always buy from authorised and licensed stores.
  • Always check the expiry date of the MTP Kit before you place the order.
  • Buy MTP Kit from online stores that offer free shipping to your locality.
Rob Lenon
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