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Sublimation printing

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Sublimation printing is the process where photo quality images, graphics or text can be transferred to a wide range of items including garments, metals, acrylics to name a few via heat transfer.

Specialised sublimation ink must be used as when this ink is heated it changes its state from a solid to a gas, without the need for the liquid phase. When this gas come into contact with polymer fibres it is abkle to pass through them, which in turn permantly dyes the fabric.

For the Sublimation process to work effectively the items to be printed must be first poloymer coated or already polymer based. (ie poloyester tshirt)

Because almost any item can be polymer coated this process alows prints onto almost anything, such as ceramic mugs, glass, metal sheets, acrylic and other unisub items like mousmats, coasters or phone cases to name a few. Sublimation printables are constantly updating, as long as the item can be polymer coated and heat pressed it is highly likely it can be sublimated.

Because of this sublimation printing is vast becoming one of the most popular printing methods within the industry. website

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