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Can Tutoring Service Help For NAPLAN Preparation?

Test Champs
Can Tutoring Service Help For NAPLAN Preparation?

Introduced in the year 2008, NAPLAN is an annual assessment test for Australian students. Its purpose is to test the literacy and numeracy skills of the students.  Preparation for NAPLAN for your child can add to your worry. After all, being a parent, the education of your child is one of the prime concerns for you.  From reshuffling his/her schedule to approaching the tutoring services for your child’s preparation, you do it all. However, when seeking extra help, you might wonder if it is the best way for preparation. 

In this blog, let’s learn about the benefits the tutoring services can provide for a child’s NAPLAN preparation:

Time Management

Getting connected to tutoring services for NAPLAN can help your child learn about the level of preparation.  Knowing about the areas of weaknesses and strengths can divide the areas to focus on. It will help in managing time while preparing, which is undeniably an essential thing. Not just this, when it comes to managing time during the examination, it might become an issue to complete the entire test paper, especially for younger students.

However, by having extra help for NAPLAN, one can understand how to solve a question and which one has to be solved first.  

Overall Preparation

In one of the years, the test providers witnessed a drop in marks in the writing section. It was not because students did not know that writing tasks existed or they left it unattempted. The reason behind it was that in school, students learned to write only one type of essay. So, when they had to attempt something new in the writing section, they couldn’t score enough. On the other hand, tutors can guide students about writing in general or with different genres. It also helps your child if you can get a score of your child’s writing from a teacher unknown to your child. While there are several online test providers selling NAPLAN test questions, they usually do not include the Writing tests. A good service provider of NAPLAN tests would have real teachers marking the Writing tests. Be careful when buying online NAPLAN tests for your child. Do not just look at the price; check if the Writing tests are marked by teachers and not automated.

Stress Management

The age when a student needs to take the   NAPLAN is a learning period. Getting educated should be fun for children, and they shouldn’t feel stressed to the extent that they get depressed. You can help if you provide intervention for your child who need guidance by finding them a good tutor and you can help by giving them more NAPLAN practice. When a child goes to the exam prepared, he/she will feel more confident.

Test Champs
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